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Snake Objective Question Answer Pdf



 Based Pattern  

Bihar Board, Patna

 Class 12th
 Stream Arts (I.A.), Commerce (I.Com) & Science (I.Sc)
 Subject English (100 Marks)
 Book Rainbow-XII | Part- II
 Type Objective Questions & PDF Attached
 Lesson Poetry-9 | Snake
 Total Questions 28 Questions | Set-I
 Published by Jolly Lifestyle Blog Team
 Price Free of Cost
 Script In English & Hindi

1. Who has composed the poem "Snake"?

(A) John Donne

(B) T.S. Eliot

(C) D.H. Lawrence

(D) Walt Whitman  | Ans- (C)

2. D. H. Lawrence was born in ................

(A) 1888

(B) 1885

(C) 1875

(D) 1895  | Ans- (B)

3. The poet David Herbert Lawrence (D.H. Lawrence) was died in .................

(A) 1920

(B) 1930

(C) 1910

(D) 1940 | Ans- (B)

4. The poet D. H. Lawrence was ...............

(A) a poet

(B) a short story writer

(C) a novelist

(D) all of them  | Ans- (D)

5. The present poem of D. H. Lawrence is ................

(A) The white peacock

(B) The rainbow

(C) Snake

(D) None of these   | Ans- (C)

6. "Was it cowardice, that I dared not kill him?" is form ...............

(A) Song of Myself

(B) The Soldier

(C) Snake

(D) Fire-hymn  | Ans- (C)

7. "And stopped and drank a little more" is from ...............

(A) Fire-hymn

(B) Song of Myself

(C) Snake

(D) Ode to Autumn   | Ans- (C)

8. The phrase 'a king of exile' in the poem 'snake' stands for ..............

(A) The rat

(B) The Elephant

(C) The Snake

(D) The Lion  | Ans- (C)

9. After hitting the snake with a log the speaker of the poem 'snake' wants to ...........

(A) Enjoy

(B) Expiate

(C) Celebrate

(D) None of these   | Ans- (B)

10. The snake came to the poet's water-through on a ........ day.

(A) Hot

(B) Cold

(C) Rainy

(D) None of these  | Ans- (A)

11. In ............ according to the poem 'snake' black snakes are considered innocent.

(A) England

(B) Sicily

(C) France

(D) Italy  | Ans- (B)

12. The speaker in the poem 'snake' hits the snake with ................

(A) A hunter

(B) A log

(C) A rod

(D) None of these | Ans- (B)

13. The speaker of the poem 'snake' compares the snake with the sea-albatross of ...............

(A) The Ancient Mariner

(B) Eve of St. Agnes

(C) The Scholar Gypsy 

(D) Lycidas  | Ans- (A)

14. D. H. Lawrence was .............

(A) A fiction writer

(B) A poet

(C) A short story-writer

(D) All of these  | Ans- (D)

15. In the poem 'snake' Lawrence denounces the artificialities of .......... life.

(A) Ancient

(B) Medieval

(C) Modern

(D) None of these | Ans- (C)

16. D. H. Lawrence has written a poem ..............

(A) My Grandmother's House

(B) Snake

(C) An epitaph

(D) The soldier | Ans- (B)

17. A snake appears on a water-trough of the ............ to sip water.

(A) teacher

(B) doctor

(C) poet

(D) none of these  | Ans- (C)

18. A ........... came to D.H. Lawrence's water trough.

(A) Snake

(B) Cow

(C) Goat

(D) Cat | Ans- (A)

19. The poet had gone to the water trough to drink ..............

(A) Tea

(B) Coffee

(C) Water

(D) Milk | Ans- (C)

20. The poet compares the snake to a ......... bird, albatross.

(A) Well

(B) River

(C) Sea 

(D) Pond   | Ans- (C)

21. The snake seemed like a ........... in exile.

(A) Saint

(B) Fakir

(C) Queen

(D) King | Ans- (D)

22. A ........... is mentioned in the poem 'Snake'.

(A) Mango tree

(B) Peepal tree 

(C) Carbotree

(D) None of these | Ans- (C)

23. The poet was wearing ..............

(A) Pant 

(B) Pajama

(C) Underwear

(D) None of these  | Ans- (B)

24. The snake met the poet near his water .............

(A) Bucket

(B) Well

(C) Trough

(D) Pond  | Ans- (C)

25. The speaker had a desire to talk to ................

(A) Cat

(B) Rat

(C) Scorpion

(D) Snake | Ans- (D)

26. The snake looked at the poet .................

(A) Happily

(B) Confusingly

(C) Sadly

(D) Vaguely | Ans- (D)

27. "He lifted his head from his drinking, as cattle do" written by ..............

(A) T.S. Eliot

(B) D. H. Lawrence

(C) Rupert Brooke

(D) John Keats | Ans- (B)

28. The voice of my education said to me,  "He must be killed these line are taken line are taken from".

(A) The soldier

(B) Fire-Hymn

(C) Snake

(D) An epitaph | Ans- (C)



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